Friday, June 18, 2010

History of Hindu matrimony - 2

Hindu Matrimony - 4th to 6th Century BC (Vedic Ages)

In fourth century in Indian culture, the marriages took place at a very young age. Early societies for their political and social reasons had to have a secure means for the perpetuations spices and an institution to handle the granting property rights and marriage handled these rights. In fact the arranged marriage is considered as a foundation of the Indian marriage system which is still survived in modernization and industrialization in India. During that period, the boy’s parents searched for a matching alliance at a preadolescent age and then approached the girl’s family with the proposition. There is a middleman appointed to propose the family with the proper match for the alliance. He used to negotiate and would suggest an auspicious date and time for the marriage to take place after matching the bride’s and the groom’s birth-charts.

Vedic Period Weddings
Marriages in the Vedic period are the oldest and the first form in the History of the Indian matrimony. The marriages in the Vedic civilizations had written records in Vedic text.

The Vedic civilization is found near the Saraswati River in the states like Punjab and Haryana. The Vedic civilizations have many dates which start from 5th millennium BC. And it is continued till the 6th century BC. The Vedic is identical with the Aryans and the Hinduisms. is a 100% free matrimonial website featuring multiple search options, profile with upto 10 photographs. Visit to seek a hindu matrimony life partner.

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