Friday, June 18, 2010

History of Hindu matrimony - 3

History of Hindu matrimony - Part three

Indian Royal Household Weddings
India is a land which has a large variety of rich culture heritage. Indian royal household wedding is always been showy, spendthrift with abundant pomp and show. India is gifted by several palaces and exotic resorts specially designed for grand wedding celebrations.

Indian Society Weddings
In Indian household, the wedding has a varied rituals, happiness and jollity that always have at the time of festivals. Every rituals and customs has some characteristics in their own in the country.

Child Marriage
The child marriage was not prevalent in ancient India; it came into existence in the medieval period during the political anarchy. The birth of a girl was looked up as an ill omen and the system of killing girl fetus grew which is still in exists in some parts of the country. It is seen that a marriage is fixed of a women child while she was in the cradle also become prevalent due to fear of insecurity among the parents. A woman without a lawful man relation in her life was a social disaster and so the system of Sati (a woman preferred to burn herself in the funeral pyre of her husband) becomes prominent.
However thanks to modernization and globalization and changing status of woman in India, the custom sati system is banned. There are some revolutionary steps are taken against various mal-practices which still exist in the system of marriage.

In the past the selection of the couple was based on the shastric ideas, rules and regulations. The parents of the girl should not only see the boy’s body but also examine his conduct, family means, education and the reputation. They should choose the boy whose age should be more than the age of the girl. The boy should be of sound mind and body and he and his family is free from any hereditary diseases.

In some cases, it was common for the groom to live with his bride’s family; however the married couple lives in a separate place. The groom has to look after and provide facilities to the bride’s family and has to be subservient to his mother in-law. There was not a system of honeymoon but the couples are being provided with ample of alone time. is a free matrimony site offering all its services for free. Visit and search for your matrimony partner.

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